Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Remembrance of Beslan .
Part I

A lonely city , Beslan was
Her tribes , Russsians ,Kazak, Chechens
What they want, provided happily
What they earned , merrily spent

Its own end, every Strife has
Its ugly end, toll several lives
Not its diction , happiness is
Its dictum , anxiety and fear;
Not a normal day, for Beslan;
Neither Snow wind nor avalanche
seen but the terror has struck to the
mettle of men.
Far and wide news spread
“kids are under siege”
To those who read, seemed to guss
To those who heard tend to think
What harm could they do?
With little one’s “they play and sing”
Said all of them.

Part ll
Hours passed ,plot thickens as
Speed as light;
Making human intelligence falls to pry
With throbbing heart ,parents came
Not to see the men of evil but only to
Kiss their dear ones.
Among the spectators, Michael was
Life for a child but not for him;
Remembrance struck his heart
“A terrible day 9/11 was, WTO
Vasnished into the air;
Went to heaven, most of them before
A breath is made!”

Part lll

Among the crowd, Alex Drimitich was
Cried he not by passions but by nightmare;
For him, not a nice day yesterday was
“Rustling all the night;Siberian wind
A bad rattle my window had;
Was in deep sleep, my son Nicolas;
All of them, it woke up,but not my son
He woke up when clock struck at six”

“Father I had a sleep that I never
ever had” Did you wake up yesterday
Night as chattering sound I heard?”
“My little lad” he cried when school
Roof rocked by explosives .
Mighty Russian army crushed their enemy
fire shot from all sides” fell and wounded

Nicolos was among the left;
Drimitich was among the weep
Went to heaven, Nicolas soul;
Not to sleep but play and sing with god.
Not much seen in print , Beslan was
Her people multi ethnic
Their blood , the blood of god
Simple flock with human desires;
Their tears, agony of the world.

Written by :
Praksah Madhavan in 2005.